Art & Design
Our Art & Design Overview for Parents
Art & Design Curriculum Map - EYFS to Year 6
Art & Design Progression Grid - EYFS - Year 6
Our Art & Design Curriculum
Art, Craft & Design is a natural form of expression and can be a source of great pleasure. We encourage children to develop their creative and imaginative talents through learning skills and techniques and using a variety of materials and tools.
Cornerstone Maestro helps us to plan sequences learning from Reception to Year 6 developing the children's skills and knowledge. Pupils have opportunities to work with professional artists and crafts people. They learn to appreciate works of art and use artistic language to describe paintings, sculptures and other artefacts.
Knowledge Organisers
We use knowledge organisers to help the children remember important vocabulary and information. You can use these to help your child at home.
Year 3 Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Summer
*Early Years Foundation Stage have there own Knowledge Organisers that feed into our curriculum from Year 1.